The Ring that Binds

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#19 : Betrothal

Assalamualaikum wbt and good day, readers!!!

How are you guys feeling today? hope your daily days are superb... (^_^)

Well, i'm writing in response to what Mr. AS has written below.

Yes, we are now betrothed. no need to mention i was still in shock (even after 6 days wearing the engagement ring) - i kept on feeling weird because i now have the ring on my finger. =P

To look at Mr AS as my fiance is also another thing. huhu.. mungkin before ni we are more like a friend rather than a couple who are in the relationship. Nonetheless, I am grateful and full - hearted redha with what has happened. I know Allah always has better plan for us. Yelah, I'm the one who don't want to engage. Izzy memang xprefer nak tunang pun. ingat nak terus kawen je. hehehe... atau pun, bertunang before akad nikah. and initially, we have discussed this matter for many times. but at last, we put it in the hand of Allah and our parents, so this is the result. WE ARE ENGAGED. Does it prove Allah's at work? yes, definitely. Only He knows.. but, honestly, it's surreal. i think i'm still dreaming knowing that this man is my fiance... hehehe..

so, that explains why i wore simple baju. tu pun nasib baik ade. kalu tak pakai baju cotton je. al-kisahnye, banyak sangat unexpected, funny things happened in preparing for the majlis. i think i'll put them in notes. saje je nak tulis so when my memory fails me later, i still have this blog to remind me how i went through my days. =) 

1. awalnya, ma izzy suruh beli kertas nak balut buah tangan (mula-mula buah tangan, tapi dah jadi hantaran la.. =P). ma just pesan to get ready few things for his family. yelah, orang datang jauh2 dengan niat baik, xkan nak layan cikai2 je kan... ma dah listkan suruh bagi canned lychee, homemade apam polka dot and suruh izzy fikir lagi nak bagi ape. so i just suggested fruits (walaupun mr AS xmakan. hehe). then, parents izzy memang plan nak bagi kain pelikat and kain sarung kat parents Mr AS. so, memang mencari pembalut hadiah lah.

2. mase shopping2 tu, terlintas nak buat tema warna silver and purple. seriously teringat mase tengok2 kertas pembalut hadiah tu. hehe. suke-suke nak bertema mase tu, kononnye nak impress family Mr AS lah, sekali, dia punya lagi grand.. huhuhuhu.. *termalu* =P

3. since we just thought of it was majlis merisik and perjumpaan family dengan family je, we decided to handle the lunch. so, kami sefamily lah yg masak hari tu. juadah lunch boleh tahan banyak gak la bagi izzy.. tapi ma still kate sikit. huhu. we served tomyam campur, ikan siakap 3 rasa, ayam percik kelate, kailan ikan masin, telur dadar, and puding karamel. bayangkan la kami 3 org chef (ma, my sister and I) buat benda2 tu dengan pertolongan my three brothers. hehe. memang macam tongkang pecah la dapur tu. dah la start masak lambat.. hehe.. kenangan btul la.. yang kelakar, adik lelaki ketiga, Lee kejenye potong ayam and siang sayur. and yang bongsu, Yo, buang mata nenas.. hahaha, dah la dua2 tu xpenah seumur hidup tolong kat dapur.. memang gelak je la.. but, i really thanked them for making my day. =)

4. apam polka dot tu siap mase family Mr. AS dah sampai. orang tengah bincang2 kat ruang tamu, Izzy kat dapur dok buat apam. hahahaha.. 

5. ini yang paling xlarat. I cut my finger. nervous punya pasal. so, kantoi jari berbalut mase sarung cincin. =P

have to stop abruptly and will continue later.. have something to do.. huhu


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