The Ring that Binds

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

#7 : Separuh Jiwaku Pergi

.. or in English, half of my heart gone...hahahaha, that's so broken English. Don't try this at home. If you want to use English language, use it correctly. Itu dia pesanan dari mek salleh kelate. =P

(psssttt, the correct one is, half of my heart is gone)

okay, cut the crap..

by the way, both of us are relieved now since we have done with our Sport's Day. i know, Mr. AS is more relieved than me because it was his event. What i can conclude about the day is that, it was such a successful event (sebab berjaya buat sampai habis) as well as an unexpected one. apa yang unexpected tu? hahaha, i'm not sure whether i am daring enough to reveal it here but what i can say is, our aerobic performance was a failure.. hmm, i mean, secara overall, both of us tak berpuas hati dengan apa yang terjadi. something truly, purely, unimagined thing was happened during the performance. Not because of the kids no, no, no (the kids were so awesome, cute, energetic and all- i- could- ask- for) but because of the OLD kid, the true spoiler.  i feel bad here. but, yes, this 2012 SK Tebong Sport's Day event will always be in our mind forever (if the memory doesn't fail us), kan Mr AS? (^_^) something to learn. 

but otherwise, i was satisfied with the event (except for the quiet, cartoon- voiced emcee =P )  Good job, Mr. AS. Really proud of you, but, there's always room of improvement, right? make it better than this next time because i know, you WILL. 

as for me, errrr.. those who want to know what happened to the queit, cartoon- voiced emcee? she ended up talking over microphone non- stop sampai hilang suara.. hahahaha

yes, that's me. for the first time, i handled such a big event (sebab orang kampung datang) and you know what happened? banyak yang terjadi, let me list them down below..

1. after the perasmian, my partner emcee left me because he had to handle the games. can you imagine how gabra i was to handle the event ON MY OWN? if you have been a sport event emcee, then you should know how kelam kabut it is..

2. some games are not liaised with the tentative i had in hand... asyik kene say "maafkan saya or i'm sorry" je. =P

3. when it came to acara sukaneka yang diadakan right in front of khemah urusetia, i just grabbed the mic and spoke spontaneously. hah, time ni dah jadi gila mic pulak. riuh rendah padang tu dengan sorakan budak-budak, parents, cikgu-cikgu and terselit jugak suara chipmunk/high pitch emcee. hahahaha..

4. dapat feedback from the audiences yang kata, last part (sukaneka part), i was like a real deejay. happening sangat (kata mereka- mereka yang berkenaan yang terpaksa dianonymouskan supaya tak terlebih glamorous dari emcee =P) and one of the pekerja mentioned, orang2 kampung kata emcee hari ni ceria (err, in a good way) alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal, ya Allah.  

5. surprisingly, i enjoyed being an emcee. ^_^ (hah sudah, dah jadi gila mic la pulak!!! larik!!!!!!)

6. at this particular moment, i tersalah panggil nama penyampai hadiah by HIS FATHER'S NAME!!!!! melenting gurau-gurau jugak pak cik tu (ampun encik DOLMAT, eh silap encik DAUD.. okay, his name is encik DAUD DOLMAT. glamorous sangat nama ayah dia, sebab tu tersasul... hahahahaha *gelak golek golek* =P

7. yang kelakar nye, lepas je abis penyampaian hadiah tarik tali parents, sume orang terus balik, tinggal cikgu- cikgu skolah, pekerja and few pupils to help kemas apa2 yang patut.. hahaha.. cuti peristiwa pun xsempat nak umum. kuang kuang kuang..

well, i think, that was all interesting moments that happened to me throughout my title as the emcee for SK Tebong sport's day. and yes, many many many thanks to my future other half who kept on checking after me dekat khemah urusetia despite of kena berlari- larian ke sana ke mari. i'm such a spoil brat, you know!! =P

okay lah.. abis part sukan (laaaa, ade part rupenye) =P 

now back to the title.. mane pegi sebelah hati lagi???

sebelah hati lagi pegi kem 3 hari 2 malam starting from today (friday) till sunday.. kuang3..

no rest for Mr. AS... hehehe

i just can pity you.. (^_-) 

okay, panjang lebar dah post kali ni.. but, no pictures..

pictures ade sikit je from Mr. AS sebab dia pun tak sempat nak snap a lot..

Will upload if i have time (and remember!!) 

tilll i write again, toodles!!!

the chipmunk- voiced emcee,
Miss Izzy 

#6 : Of Sports Day and Tuition Class

Weekends are here again. Alhamdulillah, masih hidup untuk meniti sisa2 kehidupan. Semoga masih dapat beramal dan memohon keampunan dariNya. 

Both of us have been busy last week with the preparation for our school's sport day which will be held this Thursday (28/6/2012). Honestly, Izzy memang a bit berdebar sebab kena jadi MC of the day. How on earth that person choose me to be MC pun izzy tak tahu. Biasanye since last year, my job scope was around menjadi AJK Hadiah semata- mata.. tapi apa2 pun, i take the challenge (walaupun kaki and suara bakal bergetar2 di hujung mic nanti.=P )

Mr. AS biasalah, will be running here and there during that day kat padang tu (and picture him hanging the big DLSR on his neck while running like headless chicken =P) . yelah dia kan big boss. eh, bukan big boss, big person with big responsibility if you know what i mean =P. hehe. cut words short, he is the SU sukan. so, if you are a teacher you will know that any co-curricular activities related in school, the Setiusaha Sukan will be in charge of making everything runs flawlessly (read: perfect). anyhow, i wish Mr AS best of luck during the day and stay standing after all the headaches coming before and after the event. YOSHHHHHHH......

on the other side, of course i'm looking forward to the sport's day - not because i'm going to get the limelight from orang kampung duh - but i'm waiting for the performance from my year 4 and 5 kids who will be performing aerobic. then, why i'm so looking forward, it's not me who's going to perform?? if you can guess, we are the trainers.. wooohooooo... yes, i'm indeed nervous since this is my first time training such type of performance. but i'll keep my fingers crossed. i hope the kids can do their best and stun the spectators. make their jaws dropped, darlings!!! (okay izzy, that's too much =P)

pic's taken here

another update?

we are going to teach extra classes during weekends, the earliest is this coming 7th of July. Inshaallah, if Allah will. Pray for our effort k? I'm going to give them one-on-one tutoring for English language and Mr. AS for Malay language (but i don't know what's his methodology =P ) Well, it's indeed one of our efforts to get some extra money but as the extended intention, i want those kampung kids to master English language more than i could do. it's good for duniya and akhirat, right? I hope Allah will bless our intention and efforts and make it count in our Book of Good Deed. Aameen

P/S : Can't wait for this Friday to come. Someone's gonna treat me at Johnny's Restaurant.... yahoooo!!!!

Yours Truly,
Miss Izzy ^_^

#5 : 1st Blog Giveaway by ZFCC

Yes, finally dah dapat satu chance nak join giveaway (oh, rezeki blog hop la nih) 

Our first giveaway ni from zfcraftcorner or in short ZFCC. Walaupun tak tahu nak buat macam mana (and precisely, write), hentam sajalah labu, we have decided to try our luck. mane tahu kot2 rezeki kami penganjur GA ni nak pilih kami kan? dapat la guestbook seketul for our receptions nanti, ye dak? at least izzy tak yah bersengkang mata nak buat handmade guestbook nanti, boleh siapkan tanda buku budak.. hehehe.. adeh, ke situ plak dia

Plus, dia punya craft pun cantik2 la. Izzy dah la memang suka sangat ngan craft2 ni. (^_^)

okey2, back to the giveaway, if you want to join,

Cara untuk anda menyertai GIVEAWAY nie...

1. Sesiapa jer boleh join giveaway nie...
2. Jadi FOLLOWER blog ZFCC or members page FB ZFCC
3. Buat satu post tentang  giveaway ini dekat  blog or wall facebook anda
4. Once dah buat post tu, please tinggalkan detail dekat ruangan comment 
- NAMA .....EMAIL ADDRESS.....POSTED LINK (URL blog or FB anda)

GIVEAWAY ini akan berakhir pada 11.59pm on 30 JUNE 2012. Pemenang akan dipilih secara random dan keputusannya akan ZFCC umumkan pada 07.07.2012

kalau malas nak baca jugak terms and conditions kat situ (~~duh~~) , you can click the banner below.

okay, dah siap...

tapi kan, kalu tak dapat guestbook tu, frame tu pun comel jugakkkkk... ^_^

p/s: fuh, rasa best plak join GA ni ek? no wonder la ramai orang addicted. buat sebagai hobby pun boleh gak ni *thinking* =P...

#4 : Woman

Hey, I came across this one when i was browsing through my fb wall (duh, it's already our daily routine. don't you agree?? =P )

I think it is a good perspective of how someone views "WOMAN"

♥ ♥ Someone asked a wise man: 
what’s the meaning of “Woman”?

He replied: 

“She is like a surface of glass, 

transparent that you can see inside. 
The more you wipe it gently, the more it will shine , 
and You can see Your reflection on it, 
as if the woman is preserving your image 
inside of her shyly. If You break it one day, 
it will be so hard for you to collect 
its shattered pieces again. If you did 
collect them to stick them, it won’t be back 
to the way it was. It will always be disfigured. 
Every time you pass your hand on the fracture zones 
“scars” you will hurt your hand.”

 ♥ ♥

Credit : Productive Muslim

-sekadar gambar hiasan- 

Nice metaphor, right? 

Kudos to the writer-i-don't-know-who ^_^

The Woman,
Miss Izzy

Post No.3 : Istimewa Untuk Suami dan Bakal Suami (That's Me! :-P)

Assalamualaikum to all readers...
try to read this one...

Mr. AS (^_^)

Post No.2 : Tidak Salah Untuk Berubah...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah...
apa khabar pembaca semua?
semoga anda semua dirahmati Allah selalu hendaknya...

well, ini sudah post yang woman just post hers several days ago, which is fully in english...and which is his man in Bahasa Rojak (teringat rojak mee kedai Baraqah Gemencheh :-P)...nasib baik tak terkeluar bahasa Jawa kan...hihihihi...

Ok, just kidding...
now back to our title...Tidak Salah Untuk Berubah...
Setiap dari kita ingin menjadi insan yang baik dan sempurna serta bebas dari dosa-dosa yang dimurkai Allah...
Terlintas sahaja niat di hati kita untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik, malaikat dah tulis satu kebaikan di buku amalan kita...itu baru niat, belum buat lagi...hehe...
Kalau buat konfirm berganda-ganda kebaikan dah ditulis...
Pertama dah niat, keduanya teruskan tindakan anda untuk berubah...jaga solat lima waktu, baca Al-Quran selalu, bersedekah selalu...pergi masjid solat jemaah, solat taubat meminta ampun setiap kesalahan masa lalu...Ini adalah contoh-contoh perubahan yang kita boleh buat...

Kemudian, apabila kita sudah melakukan perubahan, jangan buat sekerat jalan, istiqamah selalu...jangan tinggal sekerat jalan sebab nafsu menarik kita untuk membuat maksiat-maksiat dan dosa-dosa yang selalu kita buat dulu....jangan, jangan dan jangan...

Di badan kita ini ada dua bahagian, satu nafsu yang disokong oleh syaitan yang menarik kita untuk membuat kejahatan, dan satu lagi iman yang disokong oleh malaikat yang menarik kita untuk berbuat kebaikan. 
Tapi selalulah kan kita kalah dengan nafsu nie kan..mcm2 nafsu ada, nafsu amarah, nafsu syahwat dan lain-lain lagi...

So kepada pembaca-pembaca sekalian, jika anda ingin berubah ke arah kebaikan, alhamdulillah, teruskan usaha anda dan istiqamahlah selalu dengan perubahan anda kerana ganjarannya amat besar di sisi Allah s.w.t. 
Jika orang sekeliling mencemuh anda atau mengkritik anda yang hendak berubah, biarkan...anda berubah hanya keran Allah, teruskan usaha anda dan insyaallah anda akan menjadi insan yang baik budi pekerti di masa hadapan...InsyaAllah...

sekian sahaja untuk kali ini, sehingga di lain post okeh... :-)

Semoga kita dirahmati Allah selalu...dan doakan agar kami berdua disatukan dengan secepat mungkin :-)
Aameen Ya Rabb...

Wassalam... (^_^)

Mr. AS 

#3 : Izzy's Favourite Websites #1

It has been quite a hiatus for my third post. as u can read, my man has started posting his below. which i feel very encouraging for a start. he hardly writes =P

Well, we have been (or trying to get) busy with all the school work and the kids and the school work again. but i'm glad i still have time to read and blog-hop, as what i love to do most. 

So B2B, as you are reading it, i'm honoured to share with you some blogs or websites that i love to visit during my free time, especially in preparing ourselves before moving to the next phase of life. 

One common website that i always enjoy reading is Panduan Islam

Well, this website is not necessarily for B2B but also for everyone. means, the contents are not just about getting married or how to live your married life but, it caters all types of topics that are suitable for Muslims. try clicking at the link above and read any articles, i believe you will learn something (if not many) about this life and the reality of the world we live nowadays.

This morning, i read an article and i think it is worthwhile to share in our humble blog. well readers, if you have time, do read and reflect. (^_^)

I have to stop for now, giving you guys a wait for my next sharing of personal selected blogs and websites..

till i write again... TOODLES!!!

Miss Izzy (^_^) 

Post No. 1 : Waaa...sudah ada blog maaa???

Assalamualaikum to all readers, 

hope u enjoy read this blog of ours :-)
our blog of our journey to married life....
our journey of another stage of life...

 Setiap orang ada impian tentang perkahwinan mereka, tetapi pada kami, kami hanya mahukan yang simple-simple sahaja, mudah pada kami, senang diruskan...
Mungkin ada yang akan berkata "apasal simple sgt?", "kedekutla korang, buatla grand2, baru ada kelasssss"...

Darjat atau pangkat di dunia tidak penting di akhirat nanti...Even you are menteri or sultan sekalipun, tetap di akhirat nanti dihitung amal kamu sebagai seorang manusia biasa....kahwin berpuluh ribu habis tapi tak dapat keberkatan Allah, what's the point?hehehe...

Yang kami harap, hanyalah keberkatan dari Allah...itu yang penting bagi tak kisahla kan kalau buat sesimple yang mungkin?hehe...

well itu saja untuk permulaan...insyaallah akan sambung di lain hari...

Wassalam :-)

Mr. AS....

#2 : Bloghopping & DIY

Fuh, dah cuak sebab hampir- hampir lupa email address nak sign in here tadi. hehe. itu la, i am juggling with so many email addresses/usernames and various passwords - okay, it's included in job purposes. =P

it's so thrilling to read entries from B2Bs out there. okay, for those who still don't know what B2B means, it stands for Bride-To-Be. hey, they even came out with cute logos. i will put one of those in this blog later. inshaallah..

okay, sambung cerite, ape yang thrilling sangat tu?

reading how they went /go through the path to get their heavenly ever after. wow, susah rupanya nak kahwin ni ek? hehe.. banyak sangat preparation yang kena buat. ada yang suka tempah/beli everything from kedai/bridal tapi not less yang suka DIY.. well, i go for the first one, but when i read this blog (well, she's my college mate but, i never talked to her as far as i could remember), i kinda like the idea of Do-It-Yourself. hehe. i'm no creative person but a determined one. i think i would love to DIY few things. hehe, but it will be planned later since i'm thinking of having few extra jobs to earn some cash to marry my man =P Have to plan my free time too . huh, dunia sekarang semua mau pakai wang kan? even masuk toilet pun. huh, if you don't have a penny, think of peeing in the nearest bush (okeh, termengarut pulak =P) 

photo's taken here

we are in tight budget (as we're not planning to get personal loan for wedding purposes). yeah, both are teachers, we don't expect lavish type of wedding. plus, we always go for the simple ones. i don't demand much (since i'm not a high taste person) and he is so too. 

right now, we are waiting for our parents to finalize the date of our engagement. i hope it is earlier but what has been agreed, it will be in November or later. It won't happen before November.. huhuhu sedih.. (xsabar nak bertunang dah sebab almost every month ade orang tanya "boleh tak nak masuk meminang awak? perggh, ketaq lutut weh). At least when i'm betrothed to this man, there's no more room for other men to berkenal-kenalan. oh, saat ini juga aku mohon, NOVEMBER, PLEASE COME FAST!!

okey, back to cerita thrilling (see, i memang suka go around the bush nih!) tadi, i realize yang rezeki akan sangat murah bila kita nak mendirikan rumah tangga. hadis pun ada say so. this friend of mine even dapat free pre/post wedding photoshoot after winning a contest. excited kan? now i feel like indulging myself with those contests who knows, if Allah grants, we win the contest kan? hehe.. can't wait to scout and eye any personal blogs/websites who make contests and give giveaways.. 

so, sesiapa yang tahu, recommend la kitorang any contest we can join ek? pleaseeeee *puppy eyes* 

ok, gotta bounce. have to get ready for school tomorrow. hah, it's been long after 2 weeks. i don't feel like meeting those cheeky creatures. but, amanah is amanah. gonna press happy button tomorrow! hope monday will be wonderful. to you too, readers... (^_^) 

Yours truly,
Miss Izzy 

#1 : First Words

I’ve been wanting to have another blog that I would share freely about our (me and so far, my future fiance) journey in making our own heavenly ever after and yes, finally, Allah grants it. We have this new home (errr, literally).

We would love to blog most (if not all) our ups and downs in putting bricks for our future happy and blessed home.

Our journey so far (until this blog is set up) was not that smooth. We had bumps, holes, big stones along the way but we still keep our hands together to make this dream comes true.

We would love and welcome greetings, comments and most importantly advises from you seniors who have been married for years or just a few days, and also from those who are still single, in simpler words, from everyone who stumble upon this page (and feel like dropping few words here ^_^ ). 

But please do bear in mind, make it polite. We are civilized human being after all.

so yes, do enjoy yourselves here as much as we will do!

Love,  (",)
The Dynamic Duo

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