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#16 : Kisah Baju Akad 1

Assalamualaikum and good day, readers!!

hahaha, sepatutnye izzy kena buat lesson plans for tomorrow, tapi macam malas plak (errr, bukan malas, kurang rajin lagi + xde idea nak ngaja ape =P huh, alasan!!!!)

malam ni nak membebel pasal baju akad nikah.. haha, ampun kan kami yang over-excited ni, tarikh nye tak tau bile, tapi sibuk nak mencari baju dah kan?? haha. sape la yang tak excited nak kawen kan? it's a way to complete half of your eemaan. good thing, of course we want!!

well, to be honest, kitaorang izzy memang dah start cari2 baju untuk akad nikah. tapi banyak sangat change of plan. mula-mula nak tempah then decorate sendiri, pastu bile usha2 baju online, mcam cun, xjadi plak. pastu conflict warna. mula-mula nak kelabu, pastu tukar jadi putih, pastu krim plak..  then keputusan akhirnya, we want the combination of white and cream. yes, we go for pastel colours instead of the bright ones. sebabnya, it has been in my dream sejak dulu lagi to wear white for my akad. ntah la.. i'm so into white.. sebab putih tu suci (lagipun, Rasulullah pun suke putih =) ) kalau boleh, sume persalinan nak amik putih. hahaha.. =P tapi mcam over plak kan? 

so, i have surveyed a few (eh, ye ke a few?? A LOT la!!) of online boutiques, real boutiques for the design that i want. so far there are many that captured my eyes but they are not strong enough for me to look at one glance and say "that's it. i want it". semuanya macam, tengok sekali cantik, and at the second thought, it doesn't look nice. hehehe, i'm so cerewet (i guess, another b2b pun cerewet gak kan?? hehe)

but when i set my eyes at this one... i fell in love with it.. and i say, "that's it". it's from Butik Farree

simple, right?
yes, i know it's simple. but, that's what i go for.. sangat2 suke this dress and the price is also reasonable. not more than RM200 pun. plus, i can wear it after the akad. boleh pakai nak g skolah ke.. hahaha. tapi, sedihnya, baju ni tak berjodoh ngan izzy. SOLD OUT.. huhu. sedih la jugak, sampai mesej kat Mr. AS and cakap nak nangis sebab baju ni dah sold out.. yelah, dok usha2 dah berminggu-minggu and this is the only one that i truly like, so far.. memang sedih la.. Mr AS kata la, try cari yang lain. dah tak de perasaan sangat sebab nampak yang lain sume xsesuai and tak berkenan.. 
nak tak nak, i have to wait and keep on searching la nampak nye. =( ingat nak beli masa puasa ni sebab banyak butik yang buat sale/promosi raya.. tapi mungkin bukan rezeki. hopefully, lepas ni ada la yang capture my eyes lagi..aameen.. ala, lagipun, ade hikmah jugak kan? kalau beli sekarang, nanti kalu makin kurus (aameen =P) or makin gemuk (nauzubillah, semoga dijauhkan!!), dah tak cantik la kalau pakai. in worse case, i may have to buy the new one. who knows kan??? yes, Allah knows the best.. redha2.. hehehe
tapi kalau tak jumpa jugak design yang i suka macam i like this dress, the final decision is, we are going to send to someone to tailor it. the same design but may be with a little bit of personal touch on it to add the value. inshaallah. but, the design itself now, satisfies me. (^_^)

readers, please pray for us. we pray for your smooth sailing and do pray the same for us..

got to go now.. the 3 lesson plans are calling me (sounds eerie, isn't it? =P)

till then, 

have a good ramadhan..

Miss Izzy =)



7 August 2012 at 22:03

hi dear. xpe wait for a while. maybe u akan jumpa lagi nanti yang berkenan. less is more kan :)


7 August 2012 at 22:38

aameen, i hope so, nora. =) hehe.. btw, seronok bce citer awk g honeymoon. dah la tu antara tempat kitorng nak g.

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