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#12 : B2B and ex- B2B blogs

sangat teruja!!!! sangat teruja!!!!!

erkk, lupe plak.. Assalamualaikum wbt and good day, readers sekalian yang ada!!

teruja sangat sampai lupa nak bagi salam.. it's not good sungguh la izzy ni..

btw, apa yang teruja sangat tu??

these two three days, i have been lingering around B2B and ex B2B blogs.. even Mr AS pun terjebak sama.. hahaha.. we searched the same website using two different laptops at two different places. hahaha..

i found out a lot of ideas for our coming event yang sebenarnya masih tak tahu bile but we are praying hard for it to come real soon. aameen. 

makin teruja bila they reviewed their past experiences of doing things. rupenya ramai jugak B2B outside yang DIY ni.. dah la cantik2 and creative2.. i am green with envy now.. seronok tengok how creative they are/were creating goods for their big days. ada yang DIY pelamin, wedding dress, doorgift.. wahh, sangat teruja hokeyyyy... rase macam nak buat sendiri je sume benda sebab memang super duper jimat and puas hati..

but suddenly i feel discouraged sebab i'm not that creative. sob sob sob T_T 

tapi kan, i feel like trying simple things la like doing bantal hantaran sendiri ke, sbb tengok dia punya tutorial memang senang je la.. kalu malas, Mr AS ade nk tolong back up.. hahahaha.. belum kawen lagi dah tunjuk belang =P

so, sidebar kat sebelah akan bertambah satu lagi column untuk bloggers B2B or exB2B yang i rase very helpful and motivating. i even have become their silent reader (read: stalker) hehe.. 

rase macam nak buat checklist plak ape yang nak buat and rase macam nak g beli barang buat sekarang je.. tapi macam melampau pulak la kann.. tarikh nye xtau bile, sibuk dah nk buat preparation. lebih kuah dari sudu betul la.. =P *erkk, termalu* 

apa2 pun, seriously, i can't wait for ramadhan to come.. nak minta doa bnyak2 dengan Allah semoga Dia permudahkan segala urusan, semoga Dia kurniakan yang halal to us and jauhkan kami from the harams. May he become solely for me and i'm to him.. May Allah give us the best and make our heart redha with everything He prepares for us. 

i'm going to continue reading the blogs. 

till then, take care peeps.

Miss Izzy

p/s: bile lah Mr AS nak update dia punya part. i'm dying waiting. hahahaha. literally. =P


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