The Ring that Binds

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#2 : Bloghopping & DIY

Fuh, dah cuak sebab hampir- hampir lupa email address nak sign in here tadi. hehe. itu la, i am juggling with so many email addresses/usernames and various passwords - okay, it's included in job purposes. =P

it's so thrilling to read entries from B2Bs out there. okay, for those who still don't know what B2B means, it stands for Bride-To-Be. hey, they even came out with cute logos. i will put one of those in this blog later. inshaallah..

okay, sambung cerite, ape yang thrilling sangat tu?

reading how they went /go through the path to get their heavenly ever after. wow, susah rupanya nak kahwin ni ek? hehe.. banyak sangat preparation yang kena buat. ada yang suka tempah/beli everything from kedai/bridal tapi not less yang suka DIY.. well, i go for the first one, but when i read this blog (well, she's my college mate but, i never talked to her as far as i could remember), i kinda like the idea of Do-It-Yourself. hehe. i'm no creative person but a determined one. i think i would love to DIY few things. hehe, but it will be planned later since i'm thinking of having few extra jobs to earn some cash to marry my man =P Have to plan my free time too . huh, dunia sekarang semua mau pakai wang kan? even masuk toilet pun. huh, if you don't have a penny, think of peeing in the nearest bush (okeh, termengarut pulak =P) 

photo's taken here

we are in tight budget (as we're not planning to get personal loan for wedding purposes). yeah, both are teachers, we don't expect lavish type of wedding. plus, we always go for the simple ones. i don't demand much (since i'm not a high taste person) and he is so too. 

right now, we are waiting for our parents to finalize the date of our engagement. i hope it is earlier but what has been agreed, it will be in November or later. It won't happen before November.. huhuhu sedih.. (xsabar nak bertunang dah sebab almost every month ade orang tanya "boleh tak nak masuk meminang awak? perggh, ketaq lutut weh). At least when i'm betrothed to this man, there's no more room for other men to berkenal-kenalan. oh, saat ini juga aku mohon, NOVEMBER, PLEASE COME FAST!!

okey, back to cerita thrilling (see, i memang suka go around the bush nih!) tadi, i realize yang rezeki akan sangat murah bila kita nak mendirikan rumah tangga. hadis pun ada say so. this friend of mine even dapat free pre/post wedding photoshoot after winning a contest. excited kan? now i feel like indulging myself with those contests who knows, if Allah grants, we win the contest kan? hehe.. can't wait to scout and eye any personal blogs/websites who make contests and give giveaways.. 

so, sesiapa yang tahu, recommend la kitorang any contest we can join ek? pleaseeeee *puppy eyes* 

ok, gotta bounce. have to get ready for school tomorrow. hah, it's been long after 2 weeks. i don't feel like meeting those cheeky creatures. but, amanah is amanah. gonna press happy button tomorrow! hope monday will be wonderful. to you too, readers... (^_^) 

Yours truly,
Miss Izzy 


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