The Ring that Binds

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#22: Pure ramblings

It's very funny to read what we had gone through in our relationship since we started writing in this blog. And I admit, I am missing a lot of good memories with him as we hardly write our out and about in details. It would be good if I could note them all here, but yes, human have limitations (hah sudah, kalau malas, jangan salahkan human lain!!) errr, baiklah. That's my limitation, at least for now. It's difficult to find calm minutes just to do a quick update (err, even in ~TINTA~ too). Life is pressing me, what more I'm a teacher.. Yes, being a teacher doesn't make a goyang kaki and relax person, as what certain people may claim. It's definitely not easy to be one. The work does not end in school, means that I still have to continue working even after the school time. So, sape yang kate being cikgu tu senang, come and let's swap our place and we'll see how many days you will stay. Stop complaining about job. Seteruk mana pun kerja cikgu ni, I'm glad Allah still blesses me with this profession (dapat gaji leh simpan nak kawen =P) 

heh, macam mana dari cerita update blog bleh sampai citer hal skolah plak.. huhu. ampun..

That day Mr. AS told me. Dia perasan yang blog ni tak ramai followers, tak ramai yang comment and bla bla bla, questioning how NOT popular our blog are =P hehe. and I think I laughed. I know he might feel that we are writing to ourselves or each other instead of telling people out there. Some people might think popularity hits through how many times other people come to read the posts (yes, it's true for the infamous writers) but, for me, it's popular enough to have this blog in my 'favorite' list. At least I have a place where I can reminisce good and hard days we had gone through together. So, this blog doesn't have to be so popular sampai I pun malu nak bercerita kat sini.. But, having people to constantly come and view our blog will be the motivation for us. =)  I don't know why i'm writing this, but all I want is for him to know that it's okay if others don't read what we write, we have each other and countless time in future to view this blog.

yes, i'm agree with the quote. *nodding head*

Miss Izzy


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