The Ring that Binds

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

#21 : Ujian datang jua...

Sorry for the long hiatus. Lama sangat rasenye tak menulis kat sini.. Actually, there were (are) a lot of things happened to us. Banyak sangat. Sampai both of us sakit2. Mungkin ujian bagi kami. Lepas bertunang, banyak sangat ujian Allah bagi. The things that I am afraid of finally terjadi, iaitu ujian yang menimpa bertalu2. huhu.. I thought kami tak kuat, hari tu hampir2 dah nak stop contacting each other (for good) tp alhamdulillah, berjaya disambung balik. Kalau di tengok ticker di atas, usia pertunangan kami tak de la lama sangat baru masuk sebulan lebih, itu pun dah banyak sangat yang terjadi T_T

Tapi I'm grateful with the fact I still have Allah and Mr. AS. Btw, both of our families never knew our problems. NEVER. and we are not intended to share with them. Sebab tak nak merngeruhkan hubungan yang dah sedia tejalin. selagi kami boleh handle, we will do it our own.

last month, dua kali Izzy demam. everytime i had my monthly menses, mase tu lah demam datang, tak larat, almost everyday menangis. macam- macam masalah datang, fitnah bertimpa2. huhu. pain sangat rasenya. dengan masalah yang sedia ade, it was really unbearable. sangat T_T . mase tu la Mr AS sangat banyak bagi sokongan, bear with my unpredictable emotions. alhamdulillah, it proved that he's very very very understanding. Now, alhamdulillah Izzy is getting better, semakin sihat. cume dalaman as in emosi masih lagi tak stabil. motivation nak g skolah memang go down sangat.. pagi2 sangat struggle nak g skolah. bila kat skolah, terpaksa berlakon happy. huhu.. 

Tapi sekarang, Mr AS plak broke down. He burn out + food poisoning. sedih tengok dia. dari selera nak makan banyak trus tak de selera sangat nak makan (seb baik he can force himself to eat). i know he thinks a lot. huhu, everyday i pray for him, supaya dia selalu sihat. at least sampai we get married so that i can take a really good care of him. now, the fact that he cannot eat outside food, i have to cook (at least that's what i can do to ease his pain). and of course, i'm more than happy to prepare his food. at least it's something i can do to repay his kindness for being with me and cheered me up when i was down last month. just that, deep inside my heart, rasa tak puas sebab tak leh really take care of of him. haish, dah la dia hidup sorang- sorang kat rumah sewa dia, lagi la rasa macam- macam.. but i believe, Allah is always there.

for now, i just wish and pray everything's gonna be okay.. inshaallah. do include us in your prayers. 

Miss Izzy


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