The Ring that Binds

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

#27 : SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!

Ape la yang SURPRISE sangat tu ek???

Al-kisahnya tadi, mase drive kete nak balik Tebong from Mydin MITC, Mr AS tibe2 sms

"Cbe tengok bawah buku u.."

Izzy dah terpinga- pinga.. apesal mamat ni tibe2 je.. takde angin takde ribut suruh tengok bawah buku, dah la tengah drive. yang tak laratnya, Mr. AS dok drive kete dia depan izzy sebab kitorang balik dari amik kete dia from bengkel EON Peringgit. kirenye macam konvoi la. dia depan, izzy kat belakang..

okeh sambung citer balik. izzy pun fikir la, camne nak amik? buku- buku tu kat seat belakang. macam pelik je tengah drive kena tengok something. gelap plak tu. sebab malam kan. tapi sempat lagi izzy fikir mengarut. what if bukan Mr. AS yang anta.. hati dah berdebar.. huhu =P

without hesitation, i called him. tanya macam- macam. first question "u ade anta sms tak?" hehe.. seb baik dia jawab ye.. kalau dia jawab tak, memang pengsan on the spot kot. hahahaha. dasyat betul imaginasi.

then he explained, rupenye buku yang dimaksudkan tu ada kat sebelah seat izzy. kat seat co-driver. hadehhh, how could i forget there was a book next to me.. sabau je lah..

then, izzy hulur tangan kat bawah buku tu and to my surprise........................................................................

i touched this......


mase tu tak nampak lagi. after hang up the phone, i bukak n try nak baca. tapi hampeh la kan sebab tengah drive at the same time (sila jangan ikut perbuatan ini!! =P) tapi seriously, memang izzy menjerit (excited). bila masa dia hijacked my car and put the envelope under the book pun tak tau lahhh. pikir punya pikir memang tak jumpa jawapan. hahaha. pandai betul u ek?

sangat tak sabar nak sampai rumah and read what he wrote.. hehe. tapi yang penting, once again, dia berjaya made me surprise and felt so loved (kuang kuang kuang - public declaration) =P

well, i do love surprises sebabnya i have a strong sixth sense. gerak hati izzy, instinct memang kuat. so, kalau orang nak buat surprise tu memang susah la, sebab leh agak awal- awal. tapi, this time memang tak tahu langsung.. hahahaha.. tu yang best tu.. and memang made me smile like a crazy old lady sampai ke rumah (and up to this moment) =D

isi surat tu?

sorry, it's just between him and I. hehehe..

walaupun it's just a plain letter - maybe for someone else - but for it's so special. sebab zaman sekarang ni jarang dah orang nak dapat surat from loved one sebabnya teknologi dah sangat canggih. so, bila dapat macam ni, macam kera dapat bunga, in seventh heaven.hahahaha..

macam mane la perasaan bila dapat rantai emas plak kan, Mr. AS???? hahaha, demand much..=P

ok la, gotta go. ngantuk dah. esok nak g family day sekolah plak. toodles.


#26 : Takwim Persekolahan 2013

Mr. AS, can I pick our date?? pretty please!!




#25 : 17 Steps to HAPPINESS

#24: Projek DIY. Inshaallah...

Ni bahana terlalu syok tengok blog B2B.. Hehe.. Seronok tengok diorng banyak buat DIY untuk barang- barang perkahwinan. Kalau kreatif and bnyak masa, a bride tu can do almost everything on their own. Sangat hebat kan? Yelah, sebab sume perempuan mengimpikan hari bahagia yang sempurna + save budget. Hehe.. including me.

So, since the school holiday is approaching, Izzy pun plan nk buat few things jugak. Plan je, execution tak tahu lagi. Tapi no harm done if we plan kan? Lagipun, plan awal2 takde la haru sangat bila dh dekat majlis. So, this is the list of things yang izzy plan nk buat sendiri and maybe with the help of more creative person. =)

  • Guestbook ~ yang ni memang sangat teruja nk buat and will try to make it different dari biasa. Dah ada few ideas, cume nk finalize and execute je.Good luck to me!! 

  • Hand bouquet ~ nak try2 buat and godek2 orang punya tutorial how to do. Tp macam berkenan plak ngan handbouquet yang gune kain. Yelah, skrg kan popular ngan cloth flowers. Err, mcam kat bawah ni =) cantik kan?   

  • Doorgift ~ banyak pilihan sebenarnye. Tengah senaraikan ape possible things yang nak letak dalam tu.

  • Gubahan hantaran– yang ni mngkin mencabar untuk orang yang tak creative mcm Izzy ni. Tapi sekarang dah ade banyak tutorial so mungkin boleh consider. Dah boleh buat slow2 sebab barang almost dah ade except makanan and quran/buku agama.

  • Hiasan bilik pengantin – yang ni pun mcm nk ade personal touch jugak. =) tapi of course la tak buat sekarang. hehe.

  • Bunga telur – tak tahu camne nak buat tapi boleh belajar dengan guard skolah ni (dia sama umur and super duper creative) =)

Note that, tak de semua benda ni nak buat sekarang, mungkin ade a few je.. sambil2 bosan tak buat ape- ape cuti panjang ni, baik la prepare sikit- sikit. =)

For now, nk kena g cari bahan2 utk buat sume ni =) and buat!!! Will always write here for progress.

Miss Izzy

#23: Putus asa???

Peringatan: Entry kali ni, entry yang penuh emosi. Sangat bahaya kepada orang yang otak-otak kecik dan mudah bengang dengan rungutan orang =P opsssss!!!! 

Setelah sekian lama, semalam memang sempat sangat catch up dengan diri sendiri (hahaha, cmne tu? macam sebelum ni, berpisah dari badan je =P). maksudnye, i had my own sweet time. kalau tak, busy memanjang, sampai nak lipat baju, kemas katil pun kena cari mase terluang (huh, sudahla kau! cari masa terluang ke cari mood???) okay fine!! to be honest, nak cari mood. al-maklum la mood sudah lama lari ke laut.. hehe

oleh sebab itu, semalam berjaya post 2 entries. yahoooo!!!!!! (a great success, in this condition). so semalam juga, sempat la nak berbloghopping. bace2 blog B2B. seronok baca blog orang yang tengah prepare for their big day. macam- macam pengalaman. jealousnye la hai, sebab they already know when is the exact date. unlike us. tergantung macam tu je. sedih pun ade jugak. err, honestly memang sedih la. izzy sangat takut kalau kitaorang kena bertunang lama- lama. 2 days ago, ade la tanya ma dah ade tarikh belum, ma jawab, xde lagi.. izzy sangat2 hope it will be next year. seriously, bukan sebab desperate tapi sebab tak mau orang melanjutkan lagi citer2 mengarut pasal kitorang. yelah, dalam fasa bertunang ni, i really admit, sangat banyak cabaran dan dugaan. tambahan pulak, encik tunang dok sorang- sorang kat sebelah rumah, lagi la panjang cerita orang. T_T and i'm using his house compound for my extra English classes every weekend. plus the porch for my Mr. Khalid tersayang. hmmmm. So, kalau tak de cerita pun, orang akan reka- reka, seperti yang we had gone through before.

I used to ask Mr. AS untuk putus tunang sebab tak nak kena dugaan tunang yang teruk- teruk lagi, but, as a guy, he's wiser and less emotional. He successfully naturalized my feeling. tapi mase feeling tengah down, memang terasa la.. i can foresee that if our wedding is not during July next year, it will definitely be in 2014.. Izzy tak mau tunggu lama- lama seriously. dari Ogos 2012 (tarikh tunang) sampai 2014, it will be a very long journey for our relationship. orang lain mungkin boleh tunggu lama-lama and i memang respect they all sebab berjaya harungi sume ups and downs without going over the boundaries (i know you all know what i mean) =) ... but, maybe not for me. call be purba/kuno or whatever, i hate relationship yang hanging..(hahaha, terasa poyoss =P) lagipun, memang Islamic teaching tak galakkan bertunang lama- lama. hmmmm

well, kenapa izzy kata macam tu? two of my younger siblings are in Korea and UK at the mo, pursuing their studies. they already warned ma not to do the kenduri masa they all kat sana. means kena tunggu both balik.
hadeh, nangis rase memikirkan hal ni. mane tak nya, adik yang kat UK akan grad bulan 8 nanti and both parents akan fly ke sana for his convocation ceremony. kalau buat bulan 6, confirm2 dia tak leh balik sebab tengah exam lagi. then, lepas tu dah tak de cuti panjang except bulan 11 and 12. Ma hates the idea of hosting kenduri during monsoon. sebab rumah kitaorang confirm kena banjir. tak kan nak bersanding dalam perahu kot. dengan rumah tunggang - langgang. bulan 3? ma says, the holidays are too short. huwaaaa, tak ke maksudnye tahun depan?? hmmm, teremo sudah.

for now, izzy will choose to go with the flow. kalau kawin, kawin la kan? kalu tak, jom same2 membujang.. hahaha.. boleh tak macam tu? that's really words from orang yang dah putus asa.. hahahaha =P


okay, the end of emosi much.. (boleh tarik nafas lega)

Miss Izzy

#22: Pure ramblings

It's very funny to read what we had gone through in our relationship since we started writing in this blog. And I admit, I am missing a lot of good memories with him as we hardly write our out and about in details. It would be good if I could note them all here, but yes, human have limitations (hah sudah, kalau malas, jangan salahkan human lain!!) errr, baiklah. That's my limitation, at least for now. It's difficult to find calm minutes just to do a quick update (err, even in ~TINTA~ too). Life is pressing me, what more I'm a teacher.. Yes, being a teacher doesn't make a goyang kaki and relax person, as what certain people may claim. It's definitely not easy to be one. The work does not end in school, means that I still have to continue working even after the school time. So, sape yang kate being cikgu tu senang, come and let's swap our place and we'll see how many days you will stay. Stop complaining about job. Seteruk mana pun kerja cikgu ni, I'm glad Allah still blesses me with this profession (dapat gaji leh simpan nak kawen =P) 

heh, macam mana dari cerita update blog bleh sampai citer hal skolah plak.. huhu. ampun..

That day Mr. AS told me. Dia perasan yang blog ni tak ramai followers, tak ramai yang comment and bla bla bla, questioning how NOT popular our blog are =P hehe. and I think I laughed. I know he might feel that we are writing to ourselves or each other instead of telling people out there. Some people might think popularity hits through how many times other people come to read the posts (yes, it's true for the infamous writers) but, for me, it's popular enough to have this blog in my 'favorite' list. At least I have a place where I can reminisce good and hard days we had gone through together. So, this blog doesn't have to be so popular sampai I pun malu nak bercerita kat sini.. But, having people to constantly come and view our blog will be the motivation for us. =)  I don't know why i'm writing this, but all I want is for him to know that it's okay if others don't read what we write, we have each other and countless time in future to view this blog.

yes, i'm agree with the quote. *nodding head*

Miss Izzy

#21 : Ujian datang jua...

Sorry for the long hiatus. Lama sangat rasenye tak menulis kat sini.. Actually, there were (are) a lot of things happened to us. Banyak sangat. Sampai both of us sakit2. Mungkin ujian bagi kami. Lepas bertunang, banyak sangat ujian Allah bagi. The things that I am afraid of finally terjadi, iaitu ujian yang menimpa bertalu2. huhu.. I thought kami tak kuat, hari tu hampir2 dah nak stop contacting each other (for good) tp alhamdulillah, berjaya disambung balik. Kalau di tengok ticker di atas, usia pertunangan kami tak de la lama sangat baru masuk sebulan lebih, itu pun dah banyak sangat yang terjadi T_T

Tapi I'm grateful with the fact I still have Allah and Mr. AS. Btw, both of our families never knew our problems. NEVER. and we are not intended to share with them. Sebab tak nak merngeruhkan hubungan yang dah sedia tejalin. selagi kami boleh handle, we will do it our own.

last month, dua kali Izzy demam. everytime i had my monthly menses, mase tu lah demam datang, tak larat, almost everyday menangis. macam- macam masalah datang, fitnah bertimpa2. huhu. pain sangat rasenya. dengan masalah yang sedia ade, it was really unbearable. sangat T_T . mase tu la Mr AS sangat banyak bagi sokongan, bear with my unpredictable emotions. alhamdulillah, it proved that he's very very very understanding. Now, alhamdulillah Izzy is getting better, semakin sihat. cume dalaman as in emosi masih lagi tak stabil. motivation nak g skolah memang go down sangat.. pagi2 sangat struggle nak g skolah. bila kat skolah, terpaksa berlakon happy. huhu.. 

Tapi sekarang, Mr AS plak broke down. He burn out + food poisoning. sedih tengok dia. dari selera nak makan banyak trus tak de selera sangat nak makan (seb baik he can force himself to eat). i know he thinks a lot. huhu, everyday i pray for him, supaya dia selalu sihat. at least sampai we get married so that i can take a really good care of him. now, the fact that he cannot eat outside food, i have to cook (at least that's what i can do to ease his pain). and of course, i'm more than happy to prepare his food. at least it's something i can do to repay his kindness for being with me and cheered me up when i was down last month. just that, deep inside my heart, rasa tak puas sebab tak leh really take care of of him. haish, dah la dia hidup sorang- sorang kat rumah sewa dia, lagi la rasa macam- macam.. but i believe, Allah is always there.

for now, i just wish and pray everything's gonna be okay.. inshaallah. do include us in your prayers. 

Miss Izzy

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