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#15 : I love Ramadhan

Time flies truly fast, right? it's already in half month of Ramadhan. Subhanallah... So, how's your second phase of Ramadhan going? make sure you are still in a very high energy to accelerate towards 10 final nights k? jom cari lailatul qadar. may Allah grant us and the readers rewards for our good deeds as well as the rewards for malam lailatul qadar which worth a thousand months (sape xnak kan, kalau bagi 10 sen dapat rm1000, ibaratnye) =P. 

well, i love Ramadhan. err, i mean the month. not someone with the name Ramadhan =P . because i feel different. it's easier to do ibadah during the month. don't you think so? nak bangan pukul 4 pagi senang, nak solat extra 11 rakaat senang, nak bagi sedekah senang. cube kalau bulan2 biasa, nak bangun pukul 4? huh, dream on, nak bangun pukul 6.30 am nak mandi g kerja pun rase sangat berat, sebab graviti yang paling kuat kat bumi ni ialah di katil (the jokers say so la kan!) =P apatah lagi nak solat extra 11 rakaat. hahaha.

oh, that's why i really love Ramadhan. like, really2 fall in love with it. so, in conclusion, kan best kalu xyah ada syawal. hahahaha.. sebab during syawal, duit habis banyakkkkkk... aaaaaaaaaaa kena bagi duit raya nooooooooo, nak kena beli biskut raya, huwaaaaaaaaaaaa, nak kena bakar satay, malassssssss, tapi makan, nakkkkkkkk, kena jadi gemuk, xmauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..

so, i really hope, bulan depan is also Ramadhan. hehe.. (but, mati hidup balik pun, Ramadhan will not be in two months straight)

 Orait, let me put the full stop here. tak larat dah nak mengarut dah. sorry for wasting your time reading =P


p/s: padahal nye, orang yang tengah tulis ni tengah kecut perut sebab bulan syawal ni ade orang nak datang risik dia... al-kisahnyeee... =P

yours truly,
Miss Izzy


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