The Ring that Binds

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#6 : Of Sports Day and Tuition Class

Weekends are here again. Alhamdulillah, masih hidup untuk meniti sisa2 kehidupan. Semoga masih dapat beramal dan memohon keampunan dariNya. 

Both of us have been busy last week with the preparation for our school's sport day which will be held this Thursday (28/6/2012). Honestly, Izzy memang a bit berdebar sebab kena jadi MC of the day. How on earth that person choose me to be MC pun izzy tak tahu. Biasanye since last year, my job scope was around menjadi AJK Hadiah semata- mata.. tapi apa2 pun, i take the challenge (walaupun kaki and suara bakal bergetar2 di hujung mic nanti.=P )

Mr. AS biasalah, will be running here and there during that day kat padang tu (and picture him hanging the big DLSR on his neck while running like headless chicken =P) . yelah dia kan big boss. eh, bukan big boss, big person with big responsibility if you know what i mean =P. hehe. cut words short, he is the SU sukan. so, if you are a teacher you will know that any co-curricular activities related in school, the Setiusaha Sukan will be in charge of making everything runs flawlessly (read: perfect). anyhow, i wish Mr AS best of luck during the day and stay standing after all the headaches coming before and after the event. YOSHHHHHHH......

on the other side, of course i'm looking forward to the sport's day - not because i'm going to get the limelight from orang kampung duh - but i'm waiting for the performance from my year 4 and 5 kids who will be performing aerobic. then, why i'm so looking forward, it's not me who's going to perform?? if you can guess, we are the trainers.. wooohooooo... yes, i'm indeed nervous since this is my first time training such type of performance. but i'll keep my fingers crossed. i hope the kids can do their best and stun the spectators. make their jaws dropped, darlings!!! (okay izzy, that's too much =P)

pic's taken here

another update?

we are going to teach extra classes during weekends, the earliest is this coming 7th of July. Inshaallah, if Allah will. Pray for our effort k? I'm going to give them one-on-one tutoring for English language and Mr. AS for Malay language (but i don't know what's his methodology =P ) Well, it's indeed one of our efforts to get some extra money but as the extended intention, i want those kampung kids to master English language more than i could do. it's good for duniya and akhirat, right? I hope Allah will bless our intention and efforts and make it count in our Book of Good Deed. Aameen

P/S : Can't wait for this Friday to come. Someone's gonna treat me at Johnny's Restaurant.... yahoooo!!!!

Yours Truly,
Miss Izzy ^_^


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