The Ring that Binds

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#20: Continuation

Sorry for an abrupt full stop in my previous post. well, basically, Izzy rase Izzy dah ceritakan semua (most) yang happened on that day. Basically, Izzy memang gabra tapi syukur jugak for everything went well. tapi kadang- kadang Izzy ajak gak Mr AS bertunang lagi skali sebab nak majlis gilang- gemilang.. haha, okay2, nafsu semata2 =P Dah lepas yang ni pun bersyukur dah. tak sanggup dah nak rase berdebar lagi skali.. 

Izzy dah tambah ticker kat atas, just for a note for us, and to keep track how long we have been in this relationship. hari ni marks 3 weeks and 4 days we are each other's betrothed. izzy rasa macam dah lama la.. hehe. mungkin sebab we still don't have any progress on our preparation. tak tahu bila nak start actually, rase macam lambat lagi je. huhu.. tapi setakat ni, izzy dah simpan duit sikit. every month mesti ade something nak kena beli. so far, izzy dah setelkan pembelian cincin kawin, and barang- barang hantaran kecuali quran dan rehal.. izzy beli awal-awal sebab sementara ada duit, baik beli.. al-maklum la izzy ni memang jenis boros, pantang ade duit, memang sibuk nak habis kan.. hehehe.. =P 

kalau ade yang tak muat nanti bile dah kawin, pandai2 mr AS ye.. especially baju tu.. sape suruh gemuk lepas ni.. =P 

checklist lepas ni is hmmmmm, tak tahu lagi. hehe. baik tak yah cakap kan? sebenarnya tak tahu nak start kat mne. izzy memang camni.. procrastinator tegar.. hahaha.. hujung-hujung masa baru sibuk nak siapkan itu ini.. mase belajar pun cmni gak.. huhu, bile nak berubah kan? bila la nak start buat benda2 awal pada waktu?? huhu.. tapi bagi izzy, semakin singkat masa semakin banyak idea.. hehe.. tapi this time tak leh nak buat last minute la. kang ada plak orang cela wedding event kami nanti. =P 

tapi worry not, i do have the checklist of what we should pay attention and get ready for the big day. now i just pray, Mr AS dapat banyak2 duit.. hehe..

tapi banyak sangat benda dalam checklist tu. Readers who have ideas where we should start, can suggest in the comment space. and we thank you guys for that (^_^)

gotta go...

Miss Izzy


Post No. 11 - Bethrotal part II

stay tuned ^_^ 

~~~Mr. AS~~~

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